Hamamatsu Corp. - Mid-Infrared LED 9/24 LB

Fad or future: Green market trends

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Anne L. Fischer, Senior Editor, [email protected]

Market research indicates that the trend toward sustainability will be growing even a brighter shade of green in the days ahead. One has only to look at the proliferation of LED backlighting in consumer goods, the falling cost and increased installation of photovoltaic systems, the adoption of LEDs in numerous lighting areas – and the optimism surrounding it all to understand that the green we’re seeing today is not about to fade away. Bright prospect in lights Cost has always been an issue with LEDs. Now costs have dropped to the point where LEDs are the way to go in general...Read full article

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    Published: January 2010
    In optics, an image is the reconstruction of light rays from a source or object when light from that source or object is passed through a system of optics and onto an image forming plane. Light rays passing through an optical system tend to either converge (real image) or diverge (virtual image) to a plane (also called the image plane) in which a visual reproduction of the object is formed. This reconstructed pictorial representation of the object is called an image.
    Anne L. FischerApplied MaterialsBerkeley National LaboratoryChristopher BlansettcommercialConsumercostcostsCreeDOEenergyequity analystfluorescentGreenLightGreenTech ResearchimageindustrialJ.P. MorganjobsLCDLEDinsideLight Sourcesmanufacturingmarket researchMike SplintermunicipleOLEDsPhoton ConsultingphotovoltaicsSilicon ValleysolarSpainsuppy chainsustainabilityTVventure capitalLEDs

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