Optics developer Dynasil Corp. of America has completed the development of its first IR high-efficiency anti-reflective (HEAR) thin-film coatings for the 8- to 12-μm spectral region. "We are very excited about this collaborative success between our EMF and optometrics subsidiaries,” said Peter Sulick, CEO and president of Dynasil. “This milestone positions Dynasil as a premier resource for military, homeland security and commercial IR optical system integrators. The team of experts working on this effort [has] many years of experience directly related to the optimization of IR thin-film coatings, components and assemblies." HEAR thin-film coatings are used to maximize the transmission through otherwise low transmission lens and window materials used in this spectral region. Optimizing this performance increases detection sensitivity. These coatings have been designed to withstand environmental conditions including water solubility, abrasion and humidity. Dynasil estimates the addressable market for this segment of the photonics industry at approximately $100 million and growing at a compound annual growth rate of approximately 7.5 percent/year. "Our initial offering of an optical coating which provides Diamond-like carbon coatings are applied to the exterior window surface of a lens assembly. When combining them with HEAR coatings on an optic, both lens efficiency optimization and environmental protection are achieved. Diamond-like coatings will exceed the sand-water slurry wiper test required by many military and commercial products designed for air, ground and at sea applications. Dynasil develops and manufactures optics and photonics products, optical detection and analysis technology and components for the homeland security, medical and industrial markets.