RIED IM INNKREIS, Austria, April 15 -- Infotech, a service provider in Upper Austria, is using Cisco Metro Ethernet Switching to provide business and residential customers in the town of Ried im Innkreis with next-generation voice, video and data services over a converged IP and fiber infrastructure. Infotech said it is working with the local utility, Energie Ried, and the local government, Stadtamt Ried, to expand the government's existing fiber optic networks linking government buildings and schools in the town. Infotech will offer commercial metro Ethernet services to residential customers with Internet connection speeds of up to 10 Mb/s, and 100 Mb/s for branch offices and teleworkers. Infotech said it is using micro trenching technology to connect residential apartment blocks and subscribers to the fiber rings. For more information, visit: www.infotech.at