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Anti-Laser Eyewear Filters Multiple Wavelengths

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PORTON DOWN, England, Oct. 16, 2012 — Eyewear that blocks a variety of wavelengths to protect pilots against different types of lasers shined into cockpits is now being tested by Britain’s Ministry of Defense. “There are an increasing number of incidents of inexpensive lasers being used to distract pilots, so we have been researching advanced technologies to mitigate this hazardous and potentially lethal distraction,” said Dr. Craig Williamson, principal scientist at the UK’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). Courtesy of Federal Aviation Administration Shining lasers at...Read full article

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    Published: October 2012
    laser pointer
    Handheld optical laser device containing a semiconductor or DPSS source. The output is corrected via internal collimating optics. For typical use the output is reduced to eyesafe operation power. (5 mW)
    The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fiber optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and...
    A tough, durable, heat- and cold-resistant optical quality plastic used in injection-molded items such as streetlight lenses, automotive taillights and audio compact discs.
    Americascolor spectrumCraig WilliamsondefenseDefense Science and Technology LaboratoryDSTLEnglandEuropeFederal Aviation Administrationfederal crimeFiltersglass coatingglass lensImaginglaser eye protectionlaser eye protection lenseslaser incidentslaser pointerlensesLEPOpticsphotonicspolycarbonateprototype lensesQinetiQResearch & TechnologyScotlandshining laserThin Film SolutionsUS Air Forcewavelength filteringLasers

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