PD-LD Appoints New President
PENNINGTON, N.J., Jan. 6, 2011 — Volume-Bragg Grating technology provider PD-LD Inc. announced the appointment of Uri Abrams as its president, effective immediately.
Prior to the appointment, Abrams served as the company’s chief operating officer. He has worked at the company for more than 12 years and has extensive financial, managerial and operational experience which will be useful to him in his new position.
He succeeds PD-LD’s founder, Dr. Vladimir S. Ban, who will remain at the company as CEO.
PD-LD manufactures and assembles pigtailed and receptacle-mounted fiber-coupled laser diodes, LEDs, detectors, high power pulsed lasers and bi-directional devices for the optical communications, test equipment and medical industries.
For more information, visit: www.pd-ld.com