A VECTor5PET/SPECT/OI/CT system from imaging technology developer MILabs BV has been installed at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry on the Technical University of Munich (TUM) campus.
Under the direction of professor Hans-Jürgen Wester, the institute’s radiopharmaceutical research program consists of fundamental tracer development, innovative radiolabeling strategies, and the preclinical and clinical assessment of new tracers. With the addition of MILabs’ latest omnitomography system, TUM expects to further enhance its already excellent infrastructure for conducting cutting-edge research in the field of molecular imaging and theranostics.
“We have been waiting for a long time for a system like the MILabs VECTor-OI-CT that offers the capabilities to support all aspects of our various research projects on multimodal theranostics tracer technology,” said Wester, chair of pharmaceutical radiochemistry at TUM. “As evidenced by recent developments, such as PSMA-inhibitors, CXCR4-ligands, multimodal intraoperative probes, plus the renaissance of 99mTc-tracers or the new radiohybrid technology, modern tracer development has become more and more multidimensional."
"Therefore, with high-resolution PET, SPECT, and OI, combined with CT, we can address research topics for all modalities, over the entire translational research spectrum, from tracer selection and evaluation to clinical research support by the investigation of surgical specimen," Wester said. "In addition, the MILabs VECTor system will help us to speed up our industrial collaborations.”
MILabs provides high-end molecular imaging solutions for biomedical and pharmaceutical research.