Expanding its area of operations further, Eagle Photonics incorporated Fiber Optika Technologies in August 2008, with a vision to innovate new products in the areas of fiber optics and instrumentation to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Fiber Optika, which came into being with the support of well known academicians and entrepreneurs with the common vision to transfer academic knowledge into commercially viable products that would serve the nation in the field of fiber optics and instrumentation, has successfully transferred indigenous technologies developed in prestigious technology institutes throughout the country and is now in the process of commercializing them into products. During the meeting with Hitesh Mehta, managing director, Fiber Optika Technologies, the curiosity doubled to know more about the ‘Light Runner’-- a fiber optic communication bench top laboratory with WDM. This advanced silica fiber based optic training kit is targeted at students of engineering and science in India and overseas. Developed in association with IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) New Delhi, Light Runner has 16 experiments in fiber optics, which are designed to provide exposure ranging from basic fiber optics to state-of-the-art technology in fourth generation fiber optic communication. However, one can perform 40 odd experiments by using the components given in the Light Runner. “Light Runner exposes the user to advanced technologies like DFA, WDM, OTDR, eye pattern analysis, OADM and bit error rate, which enables the user to make quantitative measurements,” says Mehta. Light Runner is a standalone solution for fiber optic communication labs and does not require any external instruments/devices/components such as oscilloscope, function generator, power meter, etc. Fiber Optika envisions to place itself as India's leading developer and manufacturer of fiber optic test, measurement and monitoring equipment. In addition to the Light Runner, Fiber Optika’s products include hand-held Optical Time domain Reflectometer. India's first potable optical spectrum analyzer, developed by Fiber Optika, represents an ideal tool for the telecommunications industry and research institutions. “Fiber Optika believes that students trained on the kit will satisfy the industry requirements in India,’ adds Mehta. Fiber Optika has close technical association with prestigious institutions like Indian Institute of Sciecne (IISc), Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Madras, and IIT – Delhi, which has already culminated in successful technology transfers.