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Knovel Offers Optics, Photonics

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NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2010 — Knovel announced yesterday the launch of a new subject area – optics and photonics – bringing the total number of subject areas it offers to 25.

The company is a provider of web-based applications that integrate technical information with analytical and search tools. Its new subject area, geared toward the modeling and design of optical components and systems, provides technological background, guidelines, calculations and best practice information suitable for engineers developing new ways to improve products that incorporate optical systems and components within their designs. It is most useful in discrete manufacturing.

For example, companies in the aerospace and defense markets can use the technology for heads-up displays, and navigation and targeting systems, while industrial equipment manufacturers incorporate smarter sensing systems and faster data transmission capabilities into their products.

“The ever-growing use of optical and photonic technology across industries has increased the need for engineers across disciplines to expand their knowledge related to sourcing and designing,” said Meagan H. Cook, director of content strategy for Knovel. “The launch of Knovel’s optics and photonics subject area is the result of customer demand.”

The subject area has been launched with 78 reference titles from notable societies and publishers, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, SPIE, Springer, Wiley and World Scientific, among others.

Its subtopic areas include biomedical optics, communications, geometric and physical optics, information processing, microfabrication and photolithography, nanophotonics, optical materials, optoelectronics, optomechanics, quantum optics, signal and image processing and sensors, and vision science.

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Published: December 2010
An SI prefix meaning one billionth (10-9). Nano can also be used to indicate the study of atoms, molecules and other structures and particles on the nanometer scale. Nano-optics (also referred to as nanophotonics), for example, is the study of how light and light-matter interactions behave on the nanometer scale. See nanophotonics.
optical materials
Optical materials refer to substances or compounds specifically chosen for their optical properties and used in the fabrication of optical components and systems. These materials are characterized by their ability to interact with light in a controlled manner, enabling applications such as transmission, reflection, refraction, absorption, and emission of light. Optical materials play a crucial role in the design and performance of optical systems across various industries, including...
Optoelectronics is a branch of electronics that focuses on the study and application of devices and systems that use light and its interactions with different materials. The term "optoelectronics" is a combination of "optics" and "electronics," reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of this field. Optoelectronic devices convert electrical signals into optical signals or vice versa, making them crucial in various technologies. Some key components and applications of optoelectronics include: ...
Photolithography is a key process in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). It is a photomechanical process used to transfer geometric patterns from a photomask or reticle to a photosensitive chemical photoresist on a substrate, typically a silicon wafer. The basic steps of photolithography include: Cleaning the substrate: The substrate, often a silicon wafer, is cleaned to remove any contaminants from its surface. ...
The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The science includes light emission, transmission, deflection, amplification and detection by optical components and instruments, lasers and other light sources, fiber optics, electro-optical instrumentation, related hardware and electronics, and sophisticated systems. The range of applications of photonics extends from energy generation to detection to communications and...
physical optics
The branch of science that treats light as a wave phenomenon wherein light propagation is studied by wavefronts rather than rays, as in geometric optics.
quantum optics
The area of optics in which quantum theory is used to describe light in discrete units or "quanta" of energy known as photons. First observed by Albert Einstein's photoelectric effect, this particle description of light is the foundation for describing the transfer of energy (i.e. absorption and emission) in light matter interaction.
aerospaceAmericasbiomedical opticsBiophotonicsBusinessCambridge University PressCommunicationsConsumerdata transmissiondefenseElseviergeometricsimage processingImagingindustrialinformation processingKnovelMeagan CookMicrofabricationnanooptical materialsoptical systemsOptical technologyOpticsoptoelectronicsoptomechanicsphotolithographyphotonic technologyphotonicsphysical opticsquantum opticssensing systemsSensors & Detectorssignal processingSPIESpringervision scienceWileyWorld Scientific

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