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JPK Opens Sales Office in France

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BERLIN, Dec. 15, 2010 — To support its growing user base, nanoanalytic instrumentation manufacturer JPK Instruments AG announced the opening of its first sales offices in France.

The company decided to open an office in France to offer its customers better applications and service support. Dr. Anne Duprat was appointed as sales manager to run the office in the rue de Rennes, located in the center of Paris.

Working with the company for more than five years, Duprat brings with her experience in scanning probe microscopy.

“Having worked with Anne as a member of our former distributors, LOT-Oriel, I know that she will bring excellent experience of the needs of customers in France,” said Dr. Gerd Behme, general sales manager of JPK. “The French market for nanotechnology solutions in the life sciences continues to grow and we realize it was time to open our own offices to be more responsive to local needs.”

Following the opening of offices in the UK, Japan and Singapore over the past two years, the new French office is anticipated to provide top levels of support to users worldwide.

For more information, visit: 
Bristol Instruments, Inc. - 872 Series LWM 10/24 MR

Published: December 2010
An SI prefix meaning one billionth (10-9). Nano can also be used to indicate the study of atoms, molecules and other structures and particles on the nanometer scale. Nano-optics (also referred to as nanophotonics), for example, is the study of how light and light-matter interactions behave on the nanometer scale. See nanophotonics.
The use of atoms, molecules and molecular-scale structures to enhance existing technology and develop new materials and devices. The goal of this technology is to manipulate atomic and molecular particles to create devices that are thousands of times smaller and faster than those of the current microtechnologies.
AmericasAnne DupratAsia-PacificBiophotonicsBusinessFranceGerd BehmeJapanJPKJPK InstrumentsJPK Instruments AGlife sciencesLOT-OrielMicroscopynanonanoanalytical instrumentationnanotechnologyOpticsParisrue de Rennessales managersales officescanning probe microscopySingaporeTest & MeasurementUK

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