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Imaging Living Lung Tissue

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SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21, 2010 — Fast-moving objects create blurry images in photography, and the same challenge exists when scientists observe cellular interactions within tissues that are constantly in motion, such as the breathing lung. In a recent study of mice at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), researchers developed a method to stabilize living lung tissue for imaging without disrupting the normal function of the organ. The method allowed the team to observe, for the first time, both the live interaction of living cells in the context of their environment and the unfolding of events in the immune response to lung injury.

The finding influences disease research, the scientists say, because the ability to image the lung and other organs with minimum tissue disruption allows investigators to look deeper into the many physiological aspects of injury and diseases such as diabetes or cancer.

"The nature of disease is complex, so if scientists can observe in real time what's happening in tumors or immune responses as they occur, we can find new ways to intervene," said senior author Max Krummel, associate professor of pathology, whose lab developed the imaging technique for seeing minute details of cellular interaction in tissues.

"We figured out a method for holding cells still enough to image them without interrupting their normal processes. This enabled us to observe cellular events as they happen naturally rather than the usual way, which is to stop the motion of cellular processes in order to photograph them."

The research, published online this week in Nature Methods, includes videos of these immune cell interactions:

To achieve such clear imaging of the fast-moving lung cells, the team developed a device that applies a gentle amount of suction to the tissue surface, holding the region for viewing inside the range of their microscope. They then used superfast imaging with a two-photon microscope to photograph the tissue. Footage was taken 30 times each second, revealing the full progression of cellular participants involved in different biological processes; for example, which cells worked together to mount a response to an injury. With that information, the team was able to identify the function of different cell types.

The fast, two-photon microscopy technique was developed by the team to monitor immune cells in the lymph nodes and other biological entities. Two-photon microscopy is a high-resolution imaging technology that uses infrared pulsed lasers to penetrate deep into tissue layers, capturing details as small as 1 μm in diameter. The study uses custom microscopes that the team constructed on-site at the university.

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With more than 20 previously published articles using microscopy, the team is focused on continuing to improve the ability to observe molecules and cells deep within tissues.

"Imaging tissues or organs is ideally done within the living organism and as noninvasively as possible, but there are many challenges," said co-author Mark R. Looney, assistant professor of medicine and laboratory medicine.

"Light is absorbed and scattered as it passes through tissue, which degrades image quality. And even anesthetized animals have vascular and respiratory movements, complicating the imaging of dynamic processes. Many of these problems are exacerbated in the lung," said co-author Emily Thornton, a graduate student in Krummel's laboratory.

Although the lung is a challenging organ to image, it is the site of several important biological functions useful in the study of diseases. For instance, the lung is where the body's internal systems encounter the outside environment through the inhalation of air, allergens, toxins and pathogens. The lung also is in constant contact with inhaled air and with circulating blood cells.

"As a result of achieving video-rate imaging of events within the lung, we've shown how the immune system behaves during normal function and how tissues are affected in acute lung injury," Looney said. "For other disease processes in other organs, we hope to define how collections of cells participate and how they're organized."

In the future, the team plans to miniaturize the stabilizing rig in order to image live tissue biopsies.

"Many different specialties of clinical scientists and pathologists can use this imaging method to learn how disease progression unfolds, but miniaturizing the rig to image biopsied tissue would be a tremendous improvement," Krummel said. "In real time, for instance, we can catch how cells interact with tumors and observe whether they promote growth or rejection, and whether medical therapy is working."

The report's other authors include Debasish Sen of UCSF and Robb Glenny and Wayne Lamm of the University of Washington, Seattle. The study was funded by the NIH, American Asthma Foundation, Sandler Basic Asthma Research Center, National Blood Foundation, National Science Foundation and the Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

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Published: December 2010
AmericasBiophotonicscell biologyDebasish Sendisease researchEmily ThorntonImagingimmune responselung functionlymph nodesMark R. LooneyMax KrummelMicroscopyNature MethodsResearch & TechnologyRobb Glennysuperfast imagingtissue imagingtumorstwo-photon microscopesUCSFUniversity of California San FranciscoUniversity of WashingtonWayne Lamm

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