DARPA plans to hold its third Grand Challenge competition for autonomous ground vehicles Nov. 3, 2007. Vehicles in the Urban Challenge will execute simulated military supply missions in a mock urban area. To succeed in the event, they must autonomously obey traffic laws while merging into traffic, navigate traffic circles, negotiate intersections and avoid obstacles. The Grand Challenge 2005 determined that the vehicles could travel considerable distances. The agency will award prizes for the top three vehicles that safely complete a 60-mile urban area course in less than six hours. The first prize is $2 million, the second, $500,000, and the third, $250,000. DARPA offers two ways for teams to qualify and compete: They can submit a detailed proposal for up to $1 million of technology development funds in response to a DARPA solicitation or, using the second track, submit applications and participate in qualification activities. Monetary prizes also will be awarded in qualification events. For additional information on the competition, visit www.darpa.mil/grandchallenge.