The fourth annual European Machine Vision Forum is set to take place on Sept. 5-6 in Lyon, France. On the agenda are three keynote presentations under the theme of the conference, “Photonics and Machine Vision: Going Deep into Integration.” Hamamatsu Photonics’ European senior technologist Peter Seitz will present the first keynote, “The Future of Image Sensing: More Intelligence or More Sensing?” Later in the day, professor Christian Wolf of the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon will discuss his recent work in a presentation titled “Learning High-Level Reasoning in and from Images.” The final keynote will be presented by François Simoen from the CTO office at CEA-Leti in Grenoble; he will discuss the evolution of hardware sensing capabilities in “The Convergence of Photonics and Electronics: An Opportunity for Machine Vision.” For more information on the conference, including a full schedule of sessions, visit