The introduction to a report titled "Optical Components Strategies and Forecasts to 2007" notes that optical component manufacturers are increasingly required to integrate components into single, compact modules and to rapidly manufacture newly designed and advanced components for communications equipment suppliers. Market-driving forces and the benefits of Internet protocol architecture, including packet switching, also are discussed. With more than 100 tables and figures, the 360-page publication from Research and Markets Ltd. of Dublin, Ireland, profiles several companies, examining their acquisitions, systems, integration capabilities, technologies, revenues and strategies. It provides market and industry descriptions in such areas as integrated optics, active and passive components, and dense wavelength division multiplexing systems and architecture, and includes a segment on market opportunity analysis that addresses bandwidth management, wavelength monitoring, optical amplification and metropolitan networks. Information on ordering the report, published by WinterGreen Research Inc., can be found at are 10 suppliers of Integrated Optics in the Photonics Marketplace.