Four companies have received U.S. Department of Energy grants for development of solid-state lighting technology. The grants were awarded under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs to explore the technical merit or feasibility of innovative concepts and technology. Company names, project descriptions and award amounts follow: • Lumisyn LLC of Rochester, N.Y., will modify the structure of a newly developed class of high-efficiency, nontoxic nanocrystals to reduce oxidation for longer lifetimes; $150,000. • OLEDWorks LLC, also of Rochester, will attempt to elevate OLED panel reliability by investigating the short reduction layer; $103,595. • PhosphorTech Corp. of Kennesaw, Ga., will investigate a new approach to maximizing the efficiency of phosphor-converting LEDs using high-quantum-yield red phosphors in combination with surface plasmon resonance and enhanced light-extraction technology; $149,939. • Triton Systems Inc. of Chelmsford, Mass., will collaborate with North Dakota State University to optimize a novel block copolymer system for improved light extraction from GaN LEDs; $149,997. For more information, visit