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Building a Successful Ad Campaign Begins with...

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A Strategic Marketing Plan Requires a Strong Foundation

Building a Successful Ad Campaign

Brand marketers today have many choices for placing their advertising messages: print and digital magazines, websites, electronic newsletters, webinar sponsorships, and more. Each of these options brings valuable benefits — from brand building to driving traffic to generating leads. For many advertisers, the benefits these options bring are amplified when a campaign is built on the firm base of an established and respected print magazine brand.

In the same way that a contractor builds on a sturdy foundation, a seasoned marketer uses a print ad campaign as the launch pad for a new product or line extension, sharing technical material that explains product benefits or simply building brand recognition. The marketer then creates a solid platform from which the message can be extended into other media.

Independent research shows that readers are willing to spend time with a printed magazine, reading technical material in ads and articles alike. A study conducted by Freeport Press in 2016 reported that over 40 percent of people still read one or two print magazines a month, while under 30 percent reported reading digital magazines. “The old trope that print is dead is just lazy thinking,” says Linda Thomas Brooks, president and CEO of the Association of Magazine Media.

Readers respond to print advertising, too, as it generates the largest chunk of revenue for many publishers. According to PwC, print advertising accounted for 62 percent of the $16.6 billion in magazine advertising revenue in fiscal year 2016, and 87 percent of circulation revenue also came from print products.

With an established print presence, a marketer can move its message to a monthly e-newsletter, for example, driving traffic to the marketer’s website and allowing tracking of responses to the advertising message. Print ads work to build brand recognition and need for the product, and they lay the groundwork for success in other forms of advertising.

The bottom line is, readers are inspired by magazine content and advertising, saying that it leads them to the solutions they seek, and successful marketers are moved by what inspires their customers. That dynamic never changes, even though the choice of advertising vehicles seems to be constantly in motion.

By laying a solid foundation — in print with a well-respected publisher — a marketer gives real strength to a broad, multimedia advertising campaign that includes digital options for driving traffic to a website, for example, and webinars, white papers, or other sponsorship for generating leads.
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Published: August 2018
Outbound MarketingPrint AdvertisingBranding

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