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Asylum Appoints Barbattini for AFM Support in France

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SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Sept. 2, 2011 — Rafaël Barbattini was appointed by Asylum Research and its European distributor, Atomic Force F&E GmbH, to provide applications and product support for Asylum’s MFP-3D and Cypher atomic force microscopy products in France, the company announced Thursday.

With more than 20 years of experience in service and support of scientific instruments, Barbattini will assist the company’s existing and prospective customers in France and surrounding countries from his Paris office.

The appointment was made as part of Asylum Research’s ongoing expansion.

Asylum Research manufactures atomic force and scanning probe microscopes for materials and bioscience applications.

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Published: September 2011
atomic force microscope
An atomic force microscope (AFM) is a high-resolution imaging and measurement instrument used in nanotechnology, materials science, and biology. It is a type of scanning probe microscope that operates by scanning a sharp tip (usually a few nanometers in diameter) over the surface of a sample at a very close distance. The tip interacts with the sample's surface forces, providing detailed information about the sample's topography and properties at the nanoscale. atomic force microscope...
scanning probe microscope
See atomic force microscope; magnetic force microscope; near-field scanning optical microscope; scanning tunneling microscope.
AmericasAsylum ResearchAtomic Force F&E GmbHatomic force microscopeBasic ScienceBiophotonicsbioscienceBusinessCaliforniaCypher AFMEmploymentEuropeFranceMFP-3D AFMMicroscopyOpticsRafaël Barbattiniscanning probe microscopeTest & Measurement

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