The Digital Photonic Production cluster is one of two at RWTH Aachen University that will receive government funding under a public-private partnership initiative to foster innovation. The RWTH Aachen clusters will receive between 40 million euros and 60 million euros (between about $52.5 million and $79 million) from the Research Campus — Public-Private Partnerships for Innovation competition, an initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Digital photonic production is a quick, efficient way to individualize components. A Digital Photonic Production cluster at RWTH Aachen University will receive government funding under a public-private partnership competition to foster innovation. The Courtesy of ©DAAD/Volker Lannert. The initiative, part of a government undertaking called “High-Tech Strategy for Germany,” links research campus clusters, universities, research institutions and companies to collaborate on challenging long-term research topics. Each cluster receives up to 2 million euros annually for a maximum of 15 years; participating partner institutions also contribute substantial funds. The Digital Photonic Production cluster aims to use lasers in production and manufacturing processes in applications such as mobility, health, energy, and information and communication technology. Together with 20 partners from research institutions, industry, and small and medium enterprises, a consortium at RWTH will exploit these laser-based production processes in a systematic, long-term collaboration. The university’s Future Electric Grids cluster also received funding. That unit, along with industry partners, investigates direct-current grids for power transmission and distribution with the goal of improving energy sustainability. For more information, visit: