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2016 Prism Awards Finalists Announced

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PITTSFIELD, Mass., Dec. 18, 2015 — 2016 Prism Awards Finalists AnnouncedDolby, Coherent, Hamamatsu, Alakai Defense Systems, PI (Physik Instrumente), KMLabs, Rochester Precision Optics and QD Laser are among 27 finalists in nine categories for the 2016 Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation.

The awards are sponsored by Photonics Media and SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. Winners will be announced Feb. 17 during SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco, at a gala banquet that has become the largest gathering of CEOs, VIPs and entrepreneurs in photonics.

Entries are judged by an independent panel of experts including industry executives, leading academic researchers, venture capitalists and past Prism Award winners.

Finalist companies and their products are:

Biomedical Instrumentation

• Avotec: Real Eye Nano

• Biodesy: Biodesy Delta

• Convergent Dental: Solea

Detectors and Sensors

• Alakai Defense Systems: Portable Raman Improvised Explosive Detector

• Hamamatsu: MEMS-FPI Spectrum Sensor

• Spectral Engines: Wireless IR Analyzer

Displays and Lighting

• Crystal IS: Optan SMD

• Dolby, Christie and Necsel: Dolby Vision Cinema Laser Projector

• QD Laser: Retinal Imaging Laser Eyewear

Imaging and Cameras

• First Light Imaging: C-RED One

• Rochester Precision Optics: CMOS Night Observation Device

• Stream Technologies: ColorFlow Lens

Industrial Lasers

• Coherent: Diamond J-3 5 µm CO Laser

• LightFab: LightFab 3D Printer

• Onefive: Katana 06 HP

Materials and Coatings

• Element Six: Diamond PureOptics

• Nanoco: Cadmium Free Quantum Dots

• Shasta Crystals: All Crystalline Cladded Single Crystal Fibers

Optics and Optical Components

• Boulder Nonlinear Systems: Liquid Crystal Polarization Gratings

• GLOphotonics: Kagome Hollow Fiber

• OZ Optics: Directional Fiber Optics Power Monitors

Other Metrology Instrumentation

Precision Glass & Optics - Complete Optical Solution HP 2025

• 4D Technology: FlexCam

• neaspec: nano-FTIR

• PI (Physik Instrumente): Fast Multichannel Photonics Alignment

Scientific Lasers

• KMLabs: High Harmonic Generation XUUS4

• Lasertel: Laser Diode Arrays

• Lytid: TeraCascade

"The range and depth of submissions to this competition are welcome reminders of the vibrancy of our broad industrial frontier," said SPIE CEO Eugene Arthurs. "The creativity and execution in our community is amazing. The 27 finalists for the 2016 Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation have employed a wide variety of photonics technologies in developing new products that will touch nearly every area of our lives.

"I do not envy the judges the difficulty they faced in choosing just three in each category. Seeing these new products emerge from ideas presented in our conference rooms and exhibition halls over the years is very gratifying. Being part of this important competition provides a sense of how these ideas evolve into useful devices that become new products, new tools of regeneration of this exciting field I congratulate all these innovators."

"This is a time of reflection for all of us at Photonics Media and Laurin Publishing, following the recent loss of our founder, Teddi Laurin," said Laurin Publishing CEO Thomas Laurin. "As we contemplate her impact on our business and on the photonics industry, we are reminded that she understood the need to recognize innovation and to applaud the companies that achieve it.

"Her vision was realized in the Circle of Excellence Awards, which celebrated technical breakthroughs in this industry from 1987 to 2005, and which were a precursor to the Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation. In Teddi's memory, and on behalf of everyone at Laurin Publishing, I'm pleased to join SPIE in recognizing and celebrating these finalists, and sharing their innovations with our global audience."

The Prism Awards were developed to recognize innovative products that are newly available on the open market. Each category is meant to isolate a specific contribution in photonics, in a technology area or sector of the industry. Categories have been added, removed, and updated over time to reflect trends in the industry. One winner will be selected from among the three finalists in each category.

Published: December 2015
Metrology is the science and practice of measurement. It encompasses the theoretical and practical aspects of measurement, including the development of measurement standards, techniques, and instruments, as well as the application of measurement principles in various fields. The primary objectives of metrology are to ensure accuracy, reliability, and consistency in measurements and to establish traceability to recognized standards. Metrology plays a crucial role in science, industry,...
BusinesslensesmetrologyOpticsPrismsLasersAmericasawardsSPIEEugene ArthursThomas LaurinPrism AwardsDolbyCoherenthamamatsuAlakai Defense SystemsPI (Physik Instrumente)KMLabsRochester Precision OpticsQD LaserPhotonics West

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