Academic Collaboration to Advance Ultrahigh-Power Applications
The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH) and the University of Glasgow are deepening their existing collaboration in ultrahigh-power photonic applications and academic exchange programs.
Paul Crump, head of FBH’s High-Power Diode Lasers Lab, will assume the role of a visiting professor of Photonics at the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow starting this month. He will work closely with professor Stephen Sweeney’s group at the University of Glasgow.
The visiting professorship will serve as a catalyst for joint research initiatives and funding proposals while also exploring new avenues for researcher mobility between Glasgow and Berlin. Through this role, Crump will work in collaboration with Sweeney to bridge connections between British and German research and industry. The visiting professorship will also focus on creating opportunities for bilateral student exchanges between the FBH in Berlin and the University of Glasgow.
The partnership, which began in 2020, has led to important results underpinning laser optimization, and the partners have also launched a U.K. Research and Innovation Impact Acceleration mobility project. The effort aims to develop a testbed and roadmap for optical wireless power transmission technologies.