Optatec 2016: Exploring Innovation
A biennial show, Optatec brings together the world’s leading industry players at the Frankfurt Exhibition Center in Frankfurt, Germany, where they will highlight the latest optical technologies, components and systems — in areas from optomechanics to laser components.
Products and systems offered target those in development and production roles, in addition to the industrial and manufacturing sectors. This year, more than 550 exhibitors from over 30 countries will fill the hall, unveiling, displaying and demonstrating their technologies and innovations. Such technologies to be showcased at the conference include optomechanics, optoelectronics, fiber optics, fiber optic cables, laser components, and manufacturing systems. Optatec provides a top-level platform that brings together manufacturers, suppliers and users.
Exhibitors include TRIOPTICS, Moeller-Wedel Optical, Admesy, 4D Technology, Avo Photonics, Eagleyard Photonics, the Fraunhofer Institutes, Jenoptik, Ocean Optics, Nanomotion, Rubicon Technology, Phoenix Optical Technologies, OZ Optics, Steinmeyer Mechatronik, Hembach Photonik, TYDEX, Universal Photonics, Edmund Optics, Zemax Europe, and Wavelength Opto-Electronic.
Supplementing the exhibition will be a number of presentations, lectures and panel discussions. Industry experts and researchers will offer technical presentations, while developers and manufacturers offer courses and discussions on topics such as: Fields of application for optical technologies; Manufacturing systems for the production of optics; Optical components and materials; Optical measuring and test technology; Optical sensors; Optomechanical components and assemblies; and Thin-film technology.
Companies presenting the discussions are Bühler Alzenau GmbH (Business Area Leybold Optics), Carl Zeiss Spectroscopy, CASIX, Inc., Delta Optical Thin Film A/S, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF, Opto-Technological Laboratory, OptoSigma Europe, Optocraft GmbH, OptoTech Optikmaschinen, Piezosystem Jena GmbH, QED Technologies, Inc., and Viaoptic GmbH.
Optatec is held in cooperation with several technological and institutional partners, including industry organizations SPECTARIS, Optence, and OptecNet. For more information, visit