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China LED Production Surging Ahead

IMS Research’s latest Quarterly LED Supply and Demand Report reveals that while China was ranked fourth for LED production in Q3 2010 with a 13 percent share of 2” equivalent wafer capacity, by Q4 2011 it will become the number one region with its capacity share reaching 32 percent in Q1 2012.

“China’s impressive share gains are a result of a multi-pronged stimulus program which incentivizes companies to manufacture LEDs in China by subsidizing the costs of the most critical tool in the manufacturing process, metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), by up to $1.8M per tool while also offering lower tax rates, accelerated depreciation, free land and growing domestic demand,” said Ross Young, IMS Research senior vice president.

The share gains have already started in China for metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) installations for the first time in Q3 2010 with a 32 percent share, up from 18 percent in Q2 2010. China is forecasted to lead in MOCVD installations for at least the next 5 quarters, accounting for 64 percent of 2011 MOCVD installations.

China’s surge in LED capacity is coming at a convenient time for LED toolmakers as Korean and Taiwan LED manufacturers are slowing their capacity expansion plans as LED market conditions have temporarily deteriorated on slower than expected LED TV sales. At the same time, some Taiwan and Korean suppliers are shifting their capacity expansion plans to China in order to take advantage of the stimulus program. In fact, while 10 of the top 20 LED manufacturers in Q1 2012 will have production in China, six of these companies will be headquartered outside of China.

Other highlights of the report include:








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