Working at the PHENIX detector, Bathe has studied gold-gold, deuteron-gold, and proton-proton collisions to test the theory of quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong force that holds atomic nuclei together. The PHENIX detector records many different particles emerging from RHIC collisions, including photons, electrons, muons, and quark-containing particles called hadrons.
"While gold-gold collisions are the most interesting, we also have to understand simpler systems with fewer particles," Bathe said. "We want to understand the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, which are the components of protons and neutrons. In a collision of nuclei, they all break apart, resulting in thousands of particles."
The vast majority of the particles released in a nuclear collision interact strongly with the nuclear medium and lose large amounts of energy. How much energy they lose reveals information about the medium. By studying the energy spectrum of direct photons, Bathe and his colleagues have been able to determine the temperature and density of the matter, which in turn reveals the phase of the collision.
"The detector will tell us the energy and position where a photon hits it," Bathe said. "From the energy and position, we get a spectrum of energy distribution, whose slope tells us the temperature. If you know the temperature and density, you know the phase of the matter."
"By studying photons, particles that you can see, you can learn about the temperature of the nuclear matter you’ve created," he said.
Research at PHENIX is funded by the Office of Nuclear Physics within the US Department of Energy's Office of Science and by a variety of other national and international organizations.
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