SEMI Technology Symposium Call for Papers
Abstracts for paper presentations are being accepted for the 25th SEMI Technology Symposium (STS), to be held Dec. 6-8 at the Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan in conjunction with Semicon Japan 2006. Presentations on original, noncommercial and unpublished works are being solicited in the following areas: new device technology, manufacturing science, lithography, DFM and mask, multilevel interconnection, etching, packaging technology/packaging materials. Submissions are welcome from anyone who is directly or indirectly involved in the semiconductor industry, including integrated circuit manufacturers, academic and research institutes, equipment manufacturers and materials suppliers. The deadline for abstracts -- approximately 250 words and a 100-word speaker biography -- is June 30, 2006. For details, contact Yoshiko Shimanuki at; phone: (81-3) 3222-5807; or visit: