Clark is also director of the Liquid Crystal Materials Research Center at CU-Boulder. In 1984 he co-founded Displaytech Inc., a Longmont producer of ferroelectric liquid crystal devices and materials, including microdisplays for camcorders and digital cameras. Much of his research has been focused on the physics and applications of ferroelectric liquid crystals. He is credited with developing electro-optic light valves in the mid-1980s. The devices use a ferroelectric liquid crystal between closely spaced glass plates and do all the things liquid crystals do, but much faster. The groundbreaking findings made it possible to use ferroelectric liquid crystals in commercial devices.
Meyer’s research has addressed a wide variety of topics involving the physics of liquid crystals and the exploration of novel soft materials based on them, focusing on chirality, electrical polarization, textures and defect structures, phase transitions and responses to applied fields. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
The $10,000 Buckley prize was first endowed in 1952 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and is named after Oliver E. Buckley, an influential president of Bell Labs. It will be presented at the American Physical Society's 2006 national meeting, to be held in March in Baltimore.
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