"The nanotechnology field is rapidly evolving, with fundamental advances in physical and life sciences being seen in all areas of our society from medicine to manufacturing, and outcomes with technological, economic, social, environmental and ethical implications that may change our world," said Mihail Roco, key architect of the National Nanotechnology Initiative and senior NSF advisor for nanotechnology. "An increased understanding of nanoscale science and engineering is vital to create an informed citizenry and a competitive workforce for this broad-based technology, and we recognize the substantial role of science museums and other informal science education institutions in pioneering innovative science learning experiences, supplementing K-12 school-based science education and engaging adult audiences."
Those involved say the NISE Network is not only the first one to address nanotechnology informal education but also is a new way in which NSF is placing its funding to National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) centers and networks to be more relevant to society. The NNI is a federal program established to coordinate the efforts of 24 federal agencies in nanoscale research. Nanoscale science and engineering explores revolutionary approaches to producing new kinds of materials, systems and devices through the control and manipulation of matter at the nanoscale (one billionth of a meter). The federal government's current investment in nanotechnology research is expected to lead to far-reaching and beneficial outcomes for healthcare, manufacturing, information processing, defense, construction and transportation, energy production and conservation. These breakthroughs will likely require an overhaul in science and engineering education and will also have economic, environmental, cultural and societal dimensions that will require public input and guidance.
The NISE Network leadership team has set a goal to provide some form of educational materials to 100 informal educational sites by the end of 2010. For more information, visit: www.nsf.gov