Intel said that as part of its digital home platforms initiative, it is focused on delivering silicon and software "building blocks" for consumer electronics devices including digital set-top boxes, media recorders and TVs.
"Oplus' technologies would enhance Intel's capability by providing industry-leading expertise and products for advanced video processing, an increasingly important differentiator in the broad market segment for digital television and digital displays," Intel said in a statement.
"The transition to digital displays coupled with a reduction in display costs is enabling larger, higher resolution televisions, but that in turn demands higher quality video processing capabilities," said Glenda Dorchak, vice president of the Digital Home Group and general manager of the Consumer Electronics Group at Intel.
Oplus currently sells three lines of video processors for digital TVs and displays. The company, which has approximately 100 employees, will continue selling products under the Oplus brand name and will report to the Intel Consumer Electronics Group.
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