Stanford Research Systems - Precision DC Voltage 3-25 728x90

The Measurement of High Optical Densities (up to 8 Abs) in the Near-Infrared

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Author: Andrew R. Hind, Jan Wuelfken
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Agilent Technologies Inc., Chemical Analysis

The optical densities of various materials used in the manufacture of laser safety eyewear have been determined in the NIR. The lens materials were measured over wavelength ranges corresponding to the laser wavelengths for which the eyewear was designed (InGaAs, 980 nm and Nd:YAG, 1064 nm). Prior to measurement, a variety of filters of known optical density were used to validate the photometric performance of the spectrophotometer. Using the addition of filters technique, photometric range, accuracy and linearity were demonstrated up to 8 Absorbance units at 1200 nm in the near-infrared.

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cary 6000ihigh optical densityInGaAs detectorlaser safety eyewearlaser wavelengthslensesnear-infraredNIRoptical densityOptical Materials & CoatingsspectrophotometerspectroscopyUV-Vis-NIRBiophotonics
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