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SWIR Camera Test – The New Swux Unit

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Author: Austin Richards, Chris Durell, Joe Jablonski and Martin Hübner
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Labsphere Inc.

SWIR imaging technology based on InGaAs sensor products has been a staple of scientific sensing for decades. Large earth observing satellites have used InGaAs imaging sensors for applications that have proven benefits in several markets. These very expensive early systems paved the way for smaller, faster and cheaper imaging for new commercial markets. As SWIR sensor testing proliferates, some basic level of performance needs to be defined, new test methods and units need to be developed, and SWIR test equipment needs to be uniformly accepted.

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Test & MeasurementSWIRsatellitesImagingSensors & DetectorsInGaAscamerasradianceLabsphereFlirHensoldtswuxSWIR-Lux
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