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DRS Technologies’ Patented Sensor Technology Revealed

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Thursday, April 30, 2015
Leonardo DRS, Electro-Optical & Infrared Systems

Learn the truth about what’s behind DRS Technologies’ competitive advantage over thermal sensor manufacturers – the patented Advanced-Absorber Microbolometer Superstructure, providing better performance through superior image quality and enhanced sensitivity. Designed by DRS’ Principal Staff Scientist, Dr. George Skidmore, PhD, the patented structure started with a simple question, “How could the common bolometer be redesigned to provide enhanced absorbency and resistance for heightened performance?”

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File: 201503Advanced_Microbolometer_Design_WP_MR_2015_04_688.pdf (3.06 MB)
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ImagingSensors & DetectorsinfraredIRlong waveLWIRthermaldetectorsensormicrobolometervanadium oxideVOxAmorphus Silicona-SiDRS Technologies
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