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Characterization of Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Processes with Nanoscale IR Spectroscopy

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Author: Stephen Hopkins
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Bruker Nano Surfaces

This application note demonstrates the successful application of Tapping AFM-IR to distinguish the chemical footprints of several nanoscale lithographic patterns consisting of complex molecular assemblies with excellent spatial resolution of 4 nm. Additionally, nanoscale IR spectroscopy also excels in the characterization of nanoscale defects.

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File: Characterization_of_Advanced_Semiconductor_Materials.pdf (3.49 MB)
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Materials & Chemicalsnanophotonicsspectroscopy equipmentmaterials researchspectroscopysemiconductorsnanoscale infrared spectroscopynanoIRAFM-IRFTIRPTIRchemical identificationphotothermal IR spectroscopy
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