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Silicon Photomultipliers, Single Photon Avalanche Diodes, and PMT’s – So what’s the difference anyway and why should I care?

May 21, 2015
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About This Webinar

The Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) and the Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) are no longer just theory or for lab testing and poster presentations.  Today they are being widely designed into some of the largest and most critically sensitive applications in the world. SPAD and SiPM sensors are replacing PMT’s, APD’s and PIN photodiode’s due to lower cost, improved performance, enhanced system reliability, faster time to market, and lower design complexity. In addition, SensL has pioneered CMOS compatible, high volume production of low light sensors which enables the highest level of uniformity eliminating the need for batch or individual test sheets and complex manufacturing test.  

Invest 45 minutes and we will show you the world of Silicon Photomultipliers and explore why they are being deployed in large quantities in a range of applications including medical imaging, hazard and threat detection, 3D ranging and sensing, biophotonics/life sciences, and high energy physics.
This webinar offers a low light sensor masterclass in 45 minutes. Dr. Carl Jackson, SensL founder and CTO will start by explaining how a SiPM sensor is created from a large array of SPAD sensors and provide a detailed review of their operation and characteristics. He will then explore the technical differences between commonly used sensors such as the PMT, APD and PIN Photodiode showing how the SiPM and SPAD compare in critical parameters such as voltage operation, gain, noise, uniformity, and temperature dependency.  
SensL is also the leading low light sensor manufacture using industry standard reliability testing methodology to ensure product quality and long term reliability. In this webinar we will share our high volume uniformity and reliability studies to give designers confidence that SiPM’s are ready to be used in next generation application designs.

Wrapping up the talk will be Wade Appelman, VP of Sales and Marketing, who will share some showcase application examples and host an interactive Q&A session. 



Carl Jackson, CTO and VP of Engineering

Carl is founder and CTO and VP of Engineering of SensL. Carl provides the technology visionary of SensL and has lead the development of the core technology from the initial sensor research to high volume commercial sensor shipments. 
Carl holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Clemson University (USA) and a Ph.D. from the National University of Ireland, Cork in Microelectronics. His doctoral research work was carried out at the Tyndall National Institute and focused on the development of the core CMOS-compatible, low-light sensor which SensL has commercialized. Carl has over 50 publications and patents in the area of low-light sensors and he is a recognized leader in the area of solid-state silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) technology.
After completion of his research at the Tyndall National Institute in 2002, Carl founded Photon Detection Systems which carried out further development of his solid-state sensor technology and productizing of the core sensor architecture and readout electronics. In 2004, Carl realized that a significant commercial opportunity existed for the low light sensor technology and SensL was founded to exploit the opportunity. 

Wade Appelman, VP Sales and Marketing

Wade joined SensL as VP of Sales and Marketing in January 2011 and is responsible for all customer and marketing activity on a worldwide basis.  Wade has led sales and marketing efforts for five venture-backed startups with total exit valuations of $800 million. He launched Sitera (acquired by Vitesse), Zagros (Acquired by Altera), and Lightstorm Networks (Acquired by Broadcom), closing their first customers and most recently was VP of Sales and Marketing for material handling robotic pioneer Harvest Automation.
Wade has also served as VP of Marketing for two publically traded corporations including Cabletron Systems where he led product marketing for the $1B switch and routing division and Vitesse Semiconductor where he led product marketing and product management for the 500-employee Advanced Networking Products Division.  He has a B.S. from Wagner College in New York, NY.

SPADsingle photon avalanche diodesilicon photomultiplierSiPMPMTAPDPINphotodiodesensorlow lightSensLhigh volumeCMOSdiodesSensors & DetectorsindustrialBiophotonicsTest & Measurement
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