About This Webinar
A simple design trick enables an objective lens to work in any dipping medium, unlike other multi-immersion objectives with limited refractive index range. Daniels describes the design trick and its benefits, particularly for light-sheet imaging of cleared samples. He will also show existing and upcoming objective lenses that take advantage of this concept, including a recent design that achieves NA 1.23 in dibenzyl ether (refractive index 1.56) with 3.4-mm working distance.
***This presentation premiered during the 2022
BioPhotonics Conference. For more information on Photonics Media conferences, visit
About the presenter

Jon Daniels, Ph.D., is a scientist/engineer and jack-of-all-trades at ASI/Applied Scientific Instrumentation. His formal education is in physics, chemistry, and electrical engineering. He is passionate about developing tools to advance scientific research, and light-sheet fluorescence microscopy has been his area of focus over the past decade.