About This Webinar
Portable and hand-held spectrometers have matured, and in the past few years hand-held devices targeted to the general consumer market have been introduced. This webinar will survey the portable spectroscopy field, with an emphasis on optical instruments (UV-VIS, NIR, MIR and Raman), their underlying technologies and their applications. X-ray fluorescence (XRF), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry will be covered briefly. Presenter Richard Crocombe, Ph.D., will review some of the devices that are on the market today and conclude with a look at where hand-held spectroscopy could be headed.
Crocombe will also touch upon the rapidly developing fields of “smartphone spectroscopy” and “portable spectroscopic imaging,” and will provide references for further research into the topic.
Successful hand-held instruments are designed to give actionable answers to nonscientist operators. Their developers have put extensive resources into spectroscopic databases, reliable identification algorithms, and qualitative and quantitative calibrations. Nonetheless, nonscientist operators and consumers need to be aware of heterogeneity, potential sampling issues and detection limits for these instruments, and some caveats on their use will be given.
About the presenter:

Richard Crocombe, Ph.D., is founder and principal of Crocombe Spectroscopic Consulting. His undergraduate education, in chemistry and spectroscopy, took place at Oxford University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southampton. Following a postdoctoral fellowship, he began his industrial career, focusing on product development and commercialization of new spectroscopic instruments, technologies and applications. For the past 15 years, he has focused on hand-held and portable instrumentation. He has worked for Bio-Rad Laboratories, Digilab, Axsun Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific and PerkinElmer.
Crocombe received the Williams-Wright Award for Industrial Spectroscopy in 2013. In 2017 he set up his own consulting company, specializing in go-to-market strategies for next-generation analytical instruments. He was guest editor of a special edition of
Applied Spectroscopy on portable spectroscopy in May 2016. Crocombe is also co-chair of SPIE’s Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies conferences.
Who should attend:
Anyone who is involved in the design, development, testing and/or use of spectrometers, and who is interested in learning more about the technology, applications and market for hand-held instruments. Scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, biotechnicians, inspectors, field technicians and businesses interested in spectrometry trends should join us for this webinar.
This webinar is sponsored by
B&W Tek, the worldwide leader in handheld and portable Raman spectrometer manufacturing, with over 10,000 mobile Raman spectroscopy solutions delivered worldwide.
This webinar is sponsored by United Power Research Technology Corporation (
, a handheld spectrometer manufacturer-optical measurement solution provider. UPRtek’s products combine practicality, mobility, green technology and intelligence.
This webinar is sponsored by
Hamamatsu, a global photonics company with an extensive catalog of modular spectrometers and components. Hamamatsu’s world-class manufacturing capabilities ensure competitive pricing, consistency and superior performance.
This webinar is sponsored by
SPECIM, a technological leader in the realm of hyperspectral imaging with more than 4000 instruments and spectrographs delivered and in daily use.