Crystalline Mirror Solutions: Redefining Precision Laser Optics
Crystalline Mirror Solutions (CMS) manufactures high-performance laser optics utilizing a proprietary "crystalline coating" process that enables single-crystal semiconductor multilayers to be integrated into precision measurement and laser-based manufacturing systems. Our crystalline coatings represent an entirely new paradigm in optical coating technology, impacting cavity end mirrors for state-of-the-art ultrastable lasers, cavity-ringdown systems for trace gas detection, and ring-laser gyroscopes for inertial sensing. Moreover, exploiting the high thermal conductivity and active electro-optic properties of these unique materials, crystalline coatings promise to have a tremendous impact in ultra-fast and high-power laser systems.
bondingchemical analysiscompound semiconductorsepitaxyfrequency combgallium arsenidegravitational wavesLaser OpticsLIGOMaterialsmicrowave generationMIRmirrorsmultilayernear infraredNIRoptical coatingsring laser gyroscopesringdownsaturable absorberSESAMtelecomtrace gas sensing