Line Confocal Sensors
LMI Technologies Inc., FocalSpec
The LCI1220 and LCI1620 Line Confocal Sensors from FocalSpec can be used to inspect any surface types, including curved, transparent, and multilayered materials.
Consumer electronics manufacturers can capture not just 3D topography and 2D intensity data, but also 3D tomography with a speed of up to 27,000,000 data points/s. They feature a speed of up to 16,000 profiles/s and Z-repeatability of 0.19 to 0.25 μm.
System integrators can integrate sensors into new machine vision systems or existing manufacturing lines in order to build unprecedented applications. Current applications include surface profiling and tomographic imaging of smartphones with 3D curved glass, surface roughness measurement of any material including transparent or shiny surfaces, and the inspection of transparent glues and inks in the printed and flexible electronics industry.