Multiplex Imaging: Camera, Lights, Optics, Action!
Tue, Oct 29, 2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Multiplex imaging, either multicolor fluorescence or multispectral absorption and reflection imaging, is rapidly gaining popularity in the life sciences and medical arenas. Being able to image samples at a variety of wavelengths in live or fixed samples provides a depth of information that was never possible to attain with conventional microscopy. From deeper tissue penetration to enhanced surgical guidance and improved disease detection, multiplex imaging enhances medical diagnostics with noninvasive, detailed, live insights into pathological and physiological states of tissue for better patient outcomes. This webinar discusses the options and requirements for performing multiplex imaging from the illumination to the detection and the optics in between to navigate the light to and from the sample. Presented by Excelitas Technologies Corp.
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