Brillouin Microscopy for Cell and Tissue Imaging
Wed, May 15, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
The interaction between photons and acoustic phonons within materials, first described by Leon Brillouin, has been widely investigated to characterize the mechanical and physical properties of samples. To translate this technology to biomedical applications in which mechanical properties are often critical, Giuliano Scarcelli’s lab has developed high-resolution spectrometers at high throughput and combined them with optical microscopes to yield 3D-imaging modalities that use label-free biophysical properties as contrast mechanisms for imaging. Scarcelli shares areas of application and future developments of this research. Sponsored by LightMachinery.
Optical Frequency Combs: The Pinnacle of Precision from the Visible to the MIR
Thu, May 16, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
In this webinar, Thomas Quenzel from Menlo Systems delves into the fundamental principles behind frequency comb generation and manipulation, shedding light on its transformative potential across multiple spectral domains. He shares about the world of precision measurement, where frequency combs serve as indispensable tools for metrology, spectroscopy, and beyond. From ultraprecise optical clocks to high-resolution molecular spectroscopy, discover how frequency comb technology enables unprecedented levels of accuracy and resolution in scientific research and industrial applications. For a seasoned researcher, industry professional, or enthusiast who is eager to uncover the cutting-edge developments in frequency comb technology, this webinar offers valuable insights and inspiration. Join as Quenzel unravels the vast potential of frequency comb technology and its transformative effect on the future of science and technology. Presented by Menlo Systems.
The Neuromorphic Photonics Roadmap — With Paul Prucnal and Bhavin Shastri
Paul Prucnal, professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Center for Network Security and Access (CNSA) at Princeton, and Bhavin Shastri, assistant professor in the Queen’s University Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy, discuss the neuromorphic photonics roadmap and the technology area’s prospects for success.
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