Confronting the Drug Epidemic with Portable Spectroscopy
Thu, Jul 6, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Portable spectrometers have the potential to be a powerful tool for combatting the modern illicit drug trade in the field. The most significant advantage of portable spectrometers over other field tests is their capability to provide confirmatory analysis, which is rapid, reliable, and creates a reviewable record. Although no single portable spectrometer can analyze all samples, for example from bulk to trace or pure substances to complex mixtures, each modern instrument has its advantages and limitations with regard to the detection and identification of illicit drugs. Ultimately, a toolbox approach is needed to ensure that the right tool is used for the right job in the right way. Brooke Kammrath and Pauline Leary highlight applications of portable spectroscopy and spectrometry in field detection of illicit drugs which both have notable effects on the delivery of improved criminal justice. Sponsored by Metrohm USA Inc.