Recent Advancements in Structured-Light Lasers
Thu, Apr 6, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Structured light provides the ability to tailor light within all of its degrees of freedom, including amplitude, phase, and polarization. There are many approaches to tailoring light, from using external tools that include spatial light modulators, geometric phase liquid crystal, and metasurface devices to at-the-source approaches that include bulk, microchip, and fiber lasers. Andrew Forbes, Ph.D., outlines the recent advancements in structuring light at the source, from orbital angular momentum and beyond. From concepts to applications, he highlights the current challenges and possible future trends.
Machine Vision with Collaborative Robots
Wed, Apr 12, 2023 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Guiding a robot with 2D or 3D vision increases flexibility and reduces cost in many different industrial robot applications. As collaborative robots, or cobots, gain popularity, they bring new possibilities to incorporate machine vision in the work cell. Josh Person of FANUC America Corp. focuses on how machine vision and collaborative robots work together for a wide range of applications. Cobots support unique solutions for real-world problems. Adding vision to a cobot provides yet another tool to help customers improve production processes, gain efficiencies, reduce floor space requirements, and stay competitive. Sponsored by Metaphase Technologies and Hamamatsu Corporation.