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AgBiS2 Explored for Cheaper, Greener Solar Cells
Solution-processed inorganic solar cells based on nontoxic and abundant AgBiS2 nanocrystals could be a low-cost alternative to first-generation solar cells. The most-common inorganic solar cells for rooftop installation are made of silicon. The production of silicon solar cells can be expensive and energy demanding, and the modules are heavy and bulky.
Imaging Technique Helps Predict Long-Term Effects of Concussion
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) may be useful in determining early biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) that relate to patient outcomes one year following injury. DTI may also lead to a better understanding of the brain's mechanisms for repairing or compensating for concussion injuries—information that could speed the development of therapies.
Ultrathin Solar Cells May Jump-Start the Next Wave of Wearable Electronics
An ultrathin photovoltaic that is flexible enough to wrap around an object just 1-mm thick may offer the reliability and flexibility that wearable technologies require, at a performance level comparable to thicker photovoltaics. Researchers at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology used transfer printing to make ultrathin, vertical type GaAs photovoltaic devices with a total thickness of 1 µm — about one quarter the size of similar devices with a lateral design.
Optical Technique Uses Ultrafast Lasers for High-Density Data Storage
A laser-based data storage and retrieval technique could increase the storage capacity of conventional optical discs, such as DVD and Blu-ray, without the need for special preparatory steps. The scalable technique stores information bits in a multilayer structure using the 3D volume of the disc, and ultrafast lasers are used to keep the changes in the disc on a micron scale.
Yingsheng Technology Acquired by Bruker
Scientific research and analytical technology developer Bruker Corp. has acquired the assets of electronic manufacturer Yingsheng Technology Pty. Ltd. for its third-generation Advanced Mineral Identification and Characterization System (AMICS) software package and respective internet protocols.
Optics & Photonics 2016
August 28 - September 1, 2016 - San Diego Convention Center - San Diego, CA
Photonics Media Booth: 143
Plan to attend SPIE Optics & Photonics 2016, the largest international, multidisciplinary optical sciences and technology meeting in North America. 2016 conference topics include: Advancing Nanoscience, Optical Engineering, Organic Photonics, and Sustainable Energy Research. Network with the leading minds in your discipline.
Photonics Media is currently seeking technical feature articles on a variety of topics for publication in our magazines (Photonics Spectra, Industrial Photonics, BioPhotonics and EuroPhotonics). Please submit an informal 100-word abstract to Managing Editor Michael Wheeler at [email protected], or use our online submission form.