Special photonics components may be required for sensors (as used in the oil and gas industry) and for applications in various fields such as cutting-edge telecommunication systems, bio-medical use, and industrial applications such as fiber lasers. Many of these components may be fabricated based on optical fibers by using glass processing technics. This presentation will outline a number of photonic components and assemblies that can be fabricated including lenses, multi-core fan-outs, tapered devices, and over-cladding. In addition, extremely specialized component splicing will be discussed, including splicing of low-melting point glass as well as Photonic Crystal and Photonic Band-gap fibers.
Doug Duke is a senior applications and development engineer in splicer engineering at AFL. Doug provides customer engineering applications solutions as well as splicer and related product process development.
Over his impressive 20+ year tenure at AFL, Doug has authored and presented numerous technical papers relating to fusion splicing technology for a variety of technical conferences. He has also conducted advanced splicing seminars concentrating on advanced splicing technology and applications and authored several patents concerning a variety of aspects related to fusion splicing.
Doug received a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas, El Paso. Prior to joining AFL, Doug worked at Texas Instruments for nine years in the Defense Systems and Electronics Group where he was instrumental in the development of various types of electro-optic and electro-mechanical equipment, principally airborne radars, Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) systems and associated test equipment.
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Time: 1pm ET
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