Early-stage, user-based research can impact business development, RD&E and rapid market penetration, and this webinar will tell you how. The presentation will include:
- Two magic numbers that can determine if your product will be profitable;
- Early-stage, user-based market research: the how, when, why, and where;
- Impact on business development, product profitability, and speed to market;
- Case Studies
- How a study on the back of a bingo card led to a five-fold increase in sales
- How two questions moved a product from the back burner into a sales leader
- The answer was “No,” but it saved the client $500,000
Presenter Barbara Foster just celebrated her 30th anniversary in this field. Between her work within industry leaders such as Zeiss, Cambridge/Reichert-Jung (now part of Leica) and Sarastro, and over 20 years in consulting, she has constructed strategy for and/or launched more than 100 products and seven companies. In addition to her business and product development experience, she is a master microscopist, with specialties in interferometry, microspectrophotometry, polarized light and fluorescence. She is a consulting editor to American Laboratory and frequent contributor to other key publications including BioPhotonics, R&D and Microscopy Today.
Foster runs the consulting firm The Microscopy & Imaging Place Inc., which specializes in early-stage, user-based market studies, as well as product and company launches. While their focus is on microscopy and spectroscopy, the expansion of imaging has taken them into far-flung fields ranging from microarrays and biotech to semiconductors and photonics.
Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Time: 12:00 p.m. EDT - 1 p.m. EDT
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