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Photonics Dictionary

Clear All Filters xreflect x
The ratio of reflected flux to incident flux. Unless otherwise specified, the total reflectance is meant; it is sometimes convenient to divide this into the sum of the specular and the diffuse...
reflectance confocal microscopy
Reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows for high-resolution, in vivo imaging of biological tissues at the cellular level. It is particularly useful in...
reflectance estimate
The output of spectral channels written as an integral function of known solar irradiance, atmospheric transmittance and camera spectral responsivity, and the unknown spectral reflectance.
reflectance factor
Ratio of the directionally reflected flux to that reflected in the same direction by a perfect reflecting diffuser identically irradiated or illuminated.
reflectance spectrophotometer
An instrument that spectrally analyzes the flux reflected from a material. The reflected flux may be total, diffuse or specular. Often the instrument measures the reflectance factor instead of the...
reflected light meter
An exposure meter that indicates the amount of light reflected from the subject of interest.
reflected ray
The light ray leaving a reflecting surface, indicating the path of light after reflection.
reflected ultraviolet photography
A photographic method used to obtain an image of a subject by means of its reflectance of incident ultraviolet radiation. An ultraviolet source is used to irradiate the subject, while the reflected...
reflecting galvanometer
A galvanometer having a small mirror that is mounted on a moving element and that reflects a light beam onto a scale.
reflecting microscope
A microscope that uses a reflecting objective; often used with ultraviolet or infrared radiation.
reflecting objective
An image-forming system that uses mirrors rather than lenses. Such objectives are frequently used for astronomical telescopes and in ultraviolet microscopes.
reflecting prism
A prism having several plane polished surfaces, some to transmit light, some to reflect light, and some to serve both functions in succession. It acts generally as a group of plane mirrors held in a...
reflecting spectrograph
A solar spectrograph that uses long focus concave mirrors as its collimator and camera element.
reflecting telescope
A telescope that uses a reflecting objective to focus an image of a distant object at a focal point.
Return of radiation by a surface, without change in wavelength. The reflection may be specular, from a smooth surface; diffuse, from a rough surface or from within the specimen; or mixed, a...
reflection coefficient
Parametric measurement for elliptical fiber and cable expressed as a ratio of the two-directional flow of power through the cable at any chosen point.
reflection echelon
An echelon in which the dihedral angle between the faces of the groove is 90°.
reflection factor -> reflectance factor
Ratio of the directionally reflected flux to that reflected in the same direction by a perfect reflecting diffuser identically irradiated or illuminated.
reflection grating
A reflection grating is an optical component that consists of a series of closely spaced, parallel reflecting surfaces or grooves. These grooves are typically ruled or etched onto a flat substrate or...
reflection hologram
A hologram that is illuminated by a source from the viewer's side.
reflection reduction coating
The thin, transparent film made up of specific substances applied to glass-air surfaces for the purpose of decreasing the amount of reflected light.
reflection x-ray microscopy
A means of high resolution study through the application of soft and hard x-rays onto a sample surface in order to obtain image information from 1-10 nm layers and surfaces. The x-ray source emission...
reflective coating
Thin-film coating, single or multilayer, that is applied to a substrate to increase its reflectance over a specified range of wavelengths. Metal film, transparent or opaque, is the oldest form of...
reflective heat mirror -> diathermic mirror
A mirror coated to reflect cold (white) light while transmitting hot (infrared) energy.
reflective spectroscopy
Reflectance spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze the reflective properties of materials across various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. By measuring the reflectance of light from a...
The term reflective is an adjective that describes the ability of a surface or material to reflect light or other forms of radiation. It implies the capability of bouncing back or redirecting...
The ratio of the intensity of the total radiation reflected from a surface to the total incident on that surface.
An instrument for measuring reflectance.
A type of conducting surface or material used to reflect radiant energy.
reflector lamp
A lamp used in projection that is made with a reflector built into the bulb, normally by coating a portion of its interior with a reflective material to ensure the reflector's optimum position in...
radiant reflectance -> reflectance
The ratio of reflected flux to incident flux. Unless otherwise specified, the total reflectance is meant; it is sometimes convenient to divide this into the sum of the specular and the diffuse...
angle of reflection
The angle formed between the normal to a surface and the reflected ray. This angle lies in a common plane with the angle of incidence and is equal to it.
antireflection coating
An antireflection coating (AR coating) is a thin film or coating applied to optical surfaces, such as lenses or windows, to minimize unwanted reflections and increase the transmission of light...
asymptotic spectral reflectance
The unchanging nature of spectral reflectance as vegetational density increases to the point where additional increases in leaf area index or biomass do not cause a change in the spectral reflectance.
attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy is a technique used in analytical chemistry to obtain IR spectra of samples. It is particularly useful for analyzing solid and liquid samples without...
backreflection -> narcissus
A defect in infrared systems that appears as a dark circular area on a displayed image, caused by radiation reflecting into a detector. It can be reduced by low-reflective coatings or by altering the...
bidirectional reflectance distribution function
Unified notation for specification of reflectance in terms of both incident- and reflected-beam geometry; i.e., the ratio of reflected radiance in direction toward the viewer to the irradiance in...
bistatic reflectivity
Characteristic of a reflector that reflects light along a different line or lines than that of the incident ray.
compensated reflector
A corner reflector that provides an increase in the range of angles over which it may be used.
corner-cube reflector -> corner cube
A corner cube, also known as a corner reflector or retroreflector prism, is a type of optical device used to reflect light or electromagnetic waves back towards their source with minimal deviation in...
diffuse reflectance
Ratio of diffusely reflected flux to incident flux.
diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) is a nondestructive analytical technique used to investigate the optical properties of materials, particularly in the field of spectroscopy. Unlike traditional...
diffuse reflection
Nonspecular reflection from a rough surface.
diffuse reflector
A reflecting surface that scatters radiation that is incident on it, thus producing diffuse reflection.
directional reflectance
Reflectance in a specified direction, for a specified direction of incident illumination.
distributed Bragg reflector
A device similar to distributed feedback lasers in construction and operation, but in which the period grating that produces feedback is removed from the gain region to simplify fabrication. The...
electroreflectance spectroscopy
A type of electromodulation that measures changes in spectral reflectance.
Fresnel reflection
Fresnel reflection refers to the reflection of light at the interface between two different media with different refractive indices. This phenomenon was named after the French engineer and physicist...
Fresnel reflection loss
Reflection losses incurred at input and output of optical elements because of the difference in refractive index between glass and the immersion medium.
Fresnel reflection method
A method for measuring the index profile of an optical fiber by measuring the reflectance as a function of position on the end face.

Photonics Dictionary

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