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Photonics Dictionary

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electroluminescent diode
apparent field
The angular subtense of the field of view in the image space of a telescope, as differentiated from that in the object space (the true field).
bright-field illumination
The illumination generally used in microscopy, whereby the specimen appears dark against a light background.
bright-field image
An optical image having a brightly lit background.
Brightfield refers to a type of microscopy and imaging technique in which the specimen is illuminated with a white light source, and the image is observed or captured against a bright background. In...
cathode-ray tube shield -> Wehnelt cylinder
Also known as cathode-ray tube grid or shield. A cylindrically shaped electrode that, containing the cathode of a cathode-ray tube with opposite potential, is designed to focus and control the...
cold shield
That part of an infrared detector-Dewar assembly that limits the solid angle viewed by the sensor; it is maintained at a uniformly cold temperature so that no thermal energy is emitted. Also known as...
conduction welding
A type of laser welding of thin materials using a defocused or low-power carbon dioxide laser beam. The energy is absorbed by the material through conduction and melts the material to produce an edge...
crystal field
The electrostatic field acting locally within a crystal as a result of the microscopic arrangement of atoms and ions in the lattice.
curvature of field
A lens aberration that causes a flat object surface to be imaged onto a curved surface rather than a plane.
dark-field condenser
A condenser that forms a hollow cone-shaped beam of light with its focal point in the plane of the specimen. If it is used with an objective having a numerical aperture lower than the minimum...
dark-field disc
A disc contained within an electronic cell counter for regulating light transmission.
dark-field illumination
The transmission of light by a condenser to observe either very small particles or very fine lines with a microscope.
dark-field microscopy
A technique whereby the sample is illuminated by a hollow cone of light larger than the acceptance angle of the objective, so that only scattered light is seen, revealing any irregularities of the...
dark-field photomicrography
A photomicrographic recording technique that utilizes dark-field illumination to render an image of an object having a refractive index much like that of the medium holding it. The object may be...
depth of field
The distance, on either side of the object plane focused on, through which satisfactory image definition can be obtained. For the special case of an imaging system with lens axis perpindicular to the...
evanescent field theory
A high-frequency approach to the propagation of light in graded-index fibers in which the modal field is represented in terms of an inhomogeneous (evanescent) plane wave with a complex phase, so that...
eye shield -> eye guard
A shield of rubber, plastic or metal used to protect the eyes of the observer from stray light and wind, and to maintain the proper eye distance.
far-field diffraction pattern
The diffraction pattern of a source such as a light-emitting diode, injection laser diode or the output end of an optical waveguide observed at an infinite distance from the source.
far-field region
A region far from an aperture or source where the diffraction pattern is essentially the same as that at infinity. Changes in diffraction patterns of points within the far-field region are...
fiber optic field flattener
A plate consisting of fused optical fibers with both surfaces ground and polished, and having the entrance surface curved to match the image curvature of the input lens system. The plate transmits to...
1. In raster scan television, one of the two scans that are interlaced to make up a frame. 2. See field of view.
field curvature -> curvature of field
A lens aberration that causes a flat object surface to be imaged onto a curved surface rather than a plane.
field effect transistor photodetector
A photodetector employing photoregeneration of carriers in the channel region of an FET structure to provide photodetection with current gain.
field emission display
An X-Y electrically addressable series of arrays with individual electron emitters bombarding a phosphor-coated transparent plate. The phosphor is induced into luminescence, similar to traditional...
field emission microscope
An image-forming instrument in which a strong electrostatic field causes cold emission of electrons from a sharply rounded point or from an object that is located on that point. The electrons are...
field frequency -> field repetition rate
The number of fields scanned per second in a television system. The US standard is 60. Also called field frequency.
field glass
A handheld binocular telescope that is commonly of the Galilean type.
field ion microscope
An extremely powerful microscope that renders individual ionized atoms visible by using an electric field to propel the ions to a fluorescent screen where they are magnified.
field lens
1. A lens situated at or near the plane of an internal image to project the aperture of a previous objective or erector upon the aperture of a following lens. 2. A lens at or near the plane of a...
field of collimator
An expression of the tolerance of decentration of a laser diode from the optical axis: the region around the axis in the focal plane of the collimator in which the facet can be located and still...
field of view
The field of view (FOV) refers to the extent of the observable world or the visible area that can be seen at any given moment through a device, such as an optical instrument, camera, or sensor. It is...
field pattern
Intensity of emission as a function of direction in a given plane.
field repetition rate
The number of fields scanned per second in a television system. The US standard is 60. Also called field frequency.
field stop
An aperture located at an image plane of an optical system that determines the size and shape of the image.
field tilt
The angle measured between the focal surface containing the image and a plane normal to the optical axis.
film weld
The butt (edge to edge) splice of two pieces of film produced by a heat splicer that melts the edges together; used in editing motion picture film.
flat-field frame
A frame taken with a CCD camera of a surface that is evenly illuminated by diffuse light. This frame shows irregularities in the light-sensing ability of the CCD, such as electronic defects and dust...
flat-field lens
A lens that focuses on a flat plane because its field of curvature is close to zero.
Franz-Keldysh effect
Observed lengthening in wavelengths of the optical absorption edge of a semiconductor with the application of an electric field.
Hurter-Driffield curve
A plotted relation between Log E (logarithm to base 10 of exposure in metercandle seconds) and density (logarithm to base 10 of opacity).
instantaneous field of view
Instantaneous field of view (iFOV) is a term commonly used in the context of remote sensing, imaging systems, and optical instruments. It refers to the specific portion of a scene that an optical...
keyhole welding
The process of binding or attaching larger metal sheets by laser welding. The effect is generated by higher power densities which, while creating a larger weld, produce a vapor that is penetrated by...
laser welder
A system that uses the heat from a pulsed laser to weld metals. Because of the rapidity and localization in which the welding takes place, metals of vastly dissimilar melting points can be welded...
light field
The term light field refers to the spatial distribution of light rays traveling in all directions through a given space. It includes information about the intensity and direction of light rays at...
linear field
The measured width of the field of view at any distance.
longitudinal field modulator
Pockels cell or dynamic optical retarder in which the electrical field is applied in a direction parallel to that of light passing through it.
mode field diameter
For a single-mode fiber, the measurement of the irradiance distribution at the fiber's end face.
narrow-angle dark-field illumination
An imaging system designed to highlight small deviations in a planar reflective object such as a mirror. The system can be used to detect minute flaws or to image faint marks that are made in the...
near-field diffraction -> Fresnel diffraction
1. Also known as near-field diffraction. The field of radiation sent through an aperture in an absorbing screen at large distances as compared with the wavelength and the dimensions of the aperture,...

Photonics Dictionary

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