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PI Physik Instrumente - Space Qualified Steering 3-25 LW MR
LightPath Technologies -  Germanium Alternative1-25 HP
2 suppliers

Motor Polygon Assemblies

Clear All Filters xMotor Polygon Assemblies x
Mirada Technologies Inc. - South San Francisco, CA
The Waterloo Optics Co. - Austin, TX
  • scanning The successive analysis or synthesizing of the light values or other similar characteristics of the components of a picture area, following a given method.
  • facet 1. One of the plane-reflecting surfaces on a multisurfaced polygon. 2. The cleaved end mirror of a laser diode's active region.
  • reflective coating Thin-film coating, single or multilayer, that is applied to a substrate to increase its reflectance over a specified range of wavelengths. Metal film, transparent or opaque, is the oldest form of reflective coating.
Motor Polygon Assemblies Suppliersmotor polygon assembliesMPAfacet reflectivity mappingmeasurementsscanningspeed velocity stabilitysurface figuresurface roughnesshigh reflectivity coatingtrack specificationlasers

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