Universities and Research Centers
University of Michigan
The Optics and Photonics laboratories conduct research in the general areas of photonics, quantum optoelectronics, and ultrafast optical science. Specific areas presently under investigation include nonlinear optics, optical MEMS, ultrafast optics, semiconductor quantum optoelectronics, Terahertz generation and applications, fiber and integrated photonics and lasers, high-power fiber lasers, x-ray and EUV generation, quantum optics and quantum computing, optical microcavities, nanophotonics, spectroscopy of single quantum dots, biophotonics, and biophysical studies of biomolecular structure.
Research at the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS) focuses on the development of high peak-power optical sources; ultrafast electronic and optical science; high field physics and technology; and development and application of short wavelength, short pulse optical sources with intensities exceeding 10E22 watts/cm2. Although most students work with faculty in the EECS Department, it is also possible to conduct research with faculty in other departments working on problems such as laser cooling and trapping of atoms, coherent control and wave function engineering in atomic systems, optical metamaterials, and phonons in solids.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
EECS Building
1301 Beal Ave.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
electrical engineeringBiophotonicsphotonic MEMSoptoelectronicnanophotonicsultrafast opticsquantum opticsquantum computingon- chip micron- scaled resonatorsmicrosensorsmetamaterialsbiomolecular structureOpticsphotonics