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Stanford Research Systems - Precision DC Voltage 3-25 300x600
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A spectrofluorometer is an automatic scanning instrument that is used to study a substance's fluorescence over a wide range of wavelengths. It consists of a radiation source, a grating that functions as the monochromator in selecting the exciting radiation, a second grating that serves as the emission monochromator, and a photoelectric device that is used to detect the emissions.

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Ocean Optics
Ocean Optics - Orlando, FL
Applies spectral technology, application expertise, and manufacturing scalability to provide solutions in the biomedical, environmental, industrial, and research and science segments.
Custom Manufacturer
1 product
  • spectrofluorometer An automatic scanning instrument that is used to study a substance's fluorescence over a wide range of wavelengths. It consists of a radiation source, a grating that functions as the monochromator in selecting the exciting radiation, a second...
Spectrofluorometers Suppliersspectro-fluorometersfluorescence analysisscanning instrumentsradiation sourcegratingmonochromatorphotoelectric devicedetect emissionsspectroscopytest & measurement

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