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Tunable Diode Lasers

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Eblana Photonics Ltd.
Eblana Photonics Ltd. - Dublin, Ireland
Specializes in the design and production of laser diodes in the NIR and MIR (650 - 2400 nm) based on discrete-mode platform. Drives technology forward by matching expertise in laser design with challenging and diverse customer requirements, from research to volume production.
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OZ Optics Limited
OZ Optics Limited - Ottawa, Canada
PM fiber components; patch cords, splitters/combiners, polarizers, isolators, fused/PLCS couplers, test equipment; PER meter, polarized sources, PDL emulators, polarization controllers/analyzers, digital/motor driven/manual variable attenuators, laser/laser diode to fiber delivery systems; collimators/focusers, polarization entangled photon sources.
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33 products
Boston Electronics Corp.
Boston Electronics Corp. - Brookline, MA
Supplies quantum cascade tunable IR lasers (3.3 to 17+ microns); UV and IR detectors; single-photon counting electronics and systems for single-molecule detection, FLIM, spectroscopy, diffuse optical tomography and laser radar. Also photon counting detectors and IR thermal sources, IR LED and UV LED.
1 product
Excelitas Technologies Corp.
Excelitas Technologies Corp. - Pittsburgh, PA
Excelitas is a leading provider of advanced, life-enriching technologies that make a difference, serving global market leaders in the life sciences, advanced industrial, next-generation semiconductor, aerospace and defense end-markets.
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ABB inc., Measurement & Analytics - Quebec, Canada
Allied Scientific Pro - Gatineau, Canada
APEX Technologies - Marcoussis, France
Bandwidth10 - Berkeley, CA
Coherent Inc. - Santa Clara, CA
Insight Photonic Solutions Inc. - Broomfield, CO
MG Optical Solutions GmbH - Utting, Germany
nanoplus America Inc. - Boulder, CO
nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH - Meiningen, Germany
Nuphoton Technologies - Murrieta, CA
Photodigm Inc. - Richardson, TX
Pure Photonics - Milpitas, CA
QPC Lasers Inc. - Sylmar, CA
Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH - Marburg, Germany
Sacher Lasertechnik LLC - Buena Park, CA
Santec USA Corp. - Fort Lee, NJ
Spectra Quest Lab Inc. - Chiba, Japan
Superlum Diodes Ltd. - Carrigtwohill, Ireland
Toptica Photonics AG - Graefelfing, Germany
Union Optronics Corp. - Taoyuan, Taiwan
  • diode laser A diode laser is a type of laser that uses a semiconductor diode as the active medium to generate coherent light. Semiconductor diodes are electronic devices that conduct electricity primarily in one direction and are commonly used in various...
Tunable Diode Lasers SupplierssemiconductordyeTDLLEDlight-emitting diodecoherent lightlaser diodelasersfiber optic components

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