Full company details
Specim, Spectral Imaging Ltd.
A Konica Minolta Co.
Elektroniikkatie 13
PO Box 110
90571 Oulu
Phone: +358 10 4244 400
Fax: +358 10 4244 401
LWIR Camera
Photonics Spectra
Apr 2024
The Specim FX120 from Specim, Spectral Imaging Ltd. is a long-wave infrared hyperspectral camera that can be used for applications such as mineralogical research, environmental analysis, and defense and surveillance. With a full LWIR spectral range of 7.7 to 12.3 µm, this push-broom style camera allows for the simultaneous capture of all 160 swath-width spectral bands at a high image speed of 240 frames per second. The FX120 can be used in conjunction with the SisuRock workstation to aid in drill-core scanning.
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