Full company details
Specim, Spectral Imaging Ltd.
A Konica Minolta Co.
Elektroniikkatie 13
PO Box 110
90571 Oulu
Phone: +358 10 4244 400
Fax: +358 10 4244 401
IR Hyperspectral Camera
Vision Spectra
Spring 2024
The Specim FX50 from Specim, Spectral Imaging Ltd. is a mid-IR pushbroom hyperspectral camera for industrial sorting, quality control, process optimization, and research applications. With a high spatial resolution, image speed, and enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, the Specim FX50 enables fast and accurate inspection and classification of materials with very similar spectral features. The camera also features temperature-stabilized optics, built-in image correction capabilities, unified spectral calibration between units, and a standard GigE vision interface.
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